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Timeline of the Moon Hoax

1946: First US-designed rocket reaches the edge of space. 1951: First time dogs were sent to space. (USSR) 1957: First artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, reaches space. (USSR) 1958 / 1959: Explorer 1 and Explorer 3 confirm the...

Family Feminism

The danger of Family Courts

Why did you leave the U.S. for Australia? I was hounded out by my ex-wife and the Santa Cruz Family court. I am just one of many thousands of Family Court Refugees. I was treated so badly by her and the courts I was headed for...

Port Arthur

Bryant – another rant

A new documentary on the Port Arthur massacre is set to be released in 2021. It does not stray from the official narrative. Whatever happened to investigative journalism?The courts should never have accepted the guilty plea, as...