
The structure of the Labour Party in Britain

Written by Andy


The divisions of socialist labour

The socialist Labour Party has fundamental difficulties at its core.

  • Group One :
    The amateur politicians packing the constituency parties are middle class and immature people who believe they are ‘intellectuals’. As George Orwell put it, they believe things that only intellectuals could believe. Socialism (Labour) is a religion for the shallow.
    This power centre, or faction, is known as ‘the Left Wing’ at Leftist soirees.
  • Group Two :
    The second power centre of the Party is the unions. They own the party because they pay the bills.
    This is known loosely as ‘the Right Wing’ in the churches of socialism.

There is no world outside these two wings of the party. No Tory [Conservative] Party or Liberal Party really exists in the shadow world of socialism.

Everything that is not in Group One is ‘right wing’, or ‘extremist’ or ‘fascist’ or ‘trotskyist’ or ‘capitalist’, and a whole slew of pretendy unpleasant words. Of course, most of these words started off by referring to – socialists. That is, socialists who questioned the latest theology generated by Group one.

Those who ‘lead’ this rabble are known as Fabians. They are careerists (career politicians) who belong to a self-selecting club, a bit like Freemasons or the mafia. They live in a closed little world and spend their lives negotiating between the two groups of, for them, useful idiots, gullible followers.


  • Group One is the real home of the ‘useful idiots’.
  • Group Two are just in it for what they can get. In general, that’s higher ‘wages’ for less work.

The cult beliefs of Group One – the ‘left wing’

“Those who voted for Jeremy Corbyn overwhelmingly describe themselves as left-wing. They reject capitalism, and they admire Tony Benn more than they admire Tony Blair. Two-thirds of them want to abolish private schools and the monarchy, and favour higher taxes to pay for greater welfare.

Group Two just want more members and higher wages, but we’d rather not talk about that. “It’s ‘the Tories’ who want money, not ‘us’.”

Then there are the politically-naïve yet opinionated, taken in by the Socialist nonsense, known as ‘the voters’.

The problem for ‘the leaders’ is to shut up these other two groups. They just must keep telling people what they ‘think’.

“Labour’s target voters think none of these things. Nor do many current Labour supporters. The table gives the main findings. The first column sets out the views of those who voted for Corbyn to be party leader. The final three columns are taken from a separate survey of more than 10,000 electors. Currently, just over a quarter would vote Labour; a further 20 per cent would consider doing so. To win in 2020, Labour must retain the support of almost all its present supporters and at least half its potential voters.

“Our figures show how hard this will be….”

[Quoted from newstatesman.com]

A further problem with Group One is they don’t really want to work. This is a lesser problem with the unions (Group Two), as they are at least motivated to getting more ‘public money’, known to real people as ‘taxes’. This is achieved by getting more members by expanding ’employment’ that is funded by taxpayers, mostly government cartel unions. This is the real reason for Socialists hating public schools, for going on endlessly about how wonderful the NHS is, and how it ‘needs’ ever more money.

Group Two – Capitalist or Union Warmongers?

In the socialist canon, all socialists are peace loving and nice whereas ‘capitalists’ (everyone else) are against everything like peace and motherhood. Only through the socialist cult religion can redemption be found!

” By late 1937, less than two years before war broke out, the power in the Labour Party was beginning to shift against the extreme left and appeasers (for example constituency parties) towards the realists like Hugh Dalton and Ernest Bevin. The British public were also turning against appeasement, and the Labour hierarchy decided that if they did not change their policy, they would be crushed if an election came – see, for instance, p.241 of Hugh Dalton.

Strangely, much of the pressure for this came from the union bosses who, by this time, already owned the Labour Party and who welcomed the prospects of work in the armaments industry. This coming from the party that continually claims that it is the rich capitalists who are ‘warmongers’ seeking profits!” [Originally quoted socialism_and_peace]

end notes

  1. Virtually all the leaders of socialism are Fabians, members of the Fabian society, including Jeremy Corbyn, Ed Miliband, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, and all are union funded.

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