
Unconditional Policies

Written by Andy


  • Australian military should be stationed in Australia. We are not the world’s policeman. We should not be attacking random nations at the request of other nations.
  • Only the government shall create money.
  • A public bank is needed in the style of the original ‘Peoples Bank’ as set up in 1911 in Australia that was responsible for turning Australia into the then ‘Lucky Country’.
  • No war without a referendum.
  • Money is a ‘freely’ created commodity. It is either created when paper comes flying out of a printing press or when a number is written in a register. Unfortunately, we borrow money into existence instead of allowing the government ot create the vital circulating medium and spend it into society in a debt-free manner.
  • The economy is the movement of money. When money changes hands, economic activity occurs. When money is hoarded, no economic activity occurs. Money should not be allowed to sit idle.
  • We need a money supply. But that money should not sit idle. There is around $80 000 money supply for each person in Australia. This is excessive and expensive. Most of it was borrowed into existence. The problem is that most of this money sits idle.
  • We should not tax money when it moves as a general principle. It is absolutely the worst time to tax money. We must tax idle money.
  • There shall be no coerced medical procedures.
  • Doctors engaging in experimental procedures were hanged at Nuremburg.
  • We shall protect and defend the fundamental Australian values of free speech.
  • Vaccination is a questionable procedure.
  • Australia is suffering unprecedented censorship in mainstream media and social media. This shall end.
  • There is a need for religious exemption to protect employees from employer mandated COVID-19 policies.
  • Welfarism to be discouraged. We are a working nation.
  • We shall fight to restore our free society. 
  • Land Tax creates a productive nation.
  • Sales Tax is inherently damaging to the economy.
  • Income Tax is not a good tax.
  • Wealth Tax is better than Income Tax.
  • Death Tax is better than Income Tax. “Tax me when I am dead, not when I am living.”
  • Vaccines have always been rife with controversy. It should never be compulsory.
  • The Family is the core unit of society.
  • Marriage. “Everything should be done to maintain it. Nothing should be done to damage it.”.
  • Marriage is a relationship between a Man and a Woman.
  • There are two genders.
  • Giving male hormones to females is not a good idea. The ‘pill’ maybe the source of the increase in transvestitism and homosexuality.
  • We will not secede sovereignty to any foreign entity.
  • We do not forget the top left of our flag. We were better off under the influence of the top left than under the current allegiance.
  • News must be truthful.
  • We do not accept ‘news by selective omission’.
  • Lobbying is close to bribery.
  • Stop corporate influence in politics.
  • Usury is the world’s biggest problem.
  • The usurers have too much influence over politics and media.
  • Races exist. Races do not always cooperate.
  • The Aboriginals are our ‘black’ people.
  • Aboriginal history is Australian history.
  • Nobody is responsible for the actions of their forefathers (ancestors).
  • No reparations shall be entertained for historical actions.
  • History is history. (whether good or bad.)
  • Multiculturalism is a disaster.
  • Multiculturalism is not a viable basis for society. It robs people of all ethnic backgrounds of their heritage causing a culture clash and a lack of social cohesion.
  • Multiculturalism is an oxymoron.
  • One of the greatest but overlooked (or ignored) fact concerning Islamic aggression and violence around the world is that non-Muslim women tend to be its greatest victims. Much of this traces back to Islamic law.  Inherently harsh—its ultimate source is a seventh century Arab man, Muhammad—Sharia is still harsher for women.  Men have “authority” over women and may beat them for disobedience.  The prophet said women are significantly less intelligent than men — two women are needed to equal one man’s testimony — and the majority of hell’s denizens consist of women, whom Muhammad further likened to donkeys and dogs in their ability to distract a man from his prayer and thereby annul it.
  • Diversity is division.
  • There is a ‘Philosophy of Australia’. It is based on ‘Common Decency’. It is evaporating under immigration policy.
  • Common Decency is expected.
  • The ‘Philosophy of Australia’ aligns with the ‘philosophy of Jesus’.
  • People of like minds get on better. This influences immigration policy.
  • Modern Australia was founded as part of the British Empire and the Commonwealth of Nations. We never left it.
  • Australia will not be a welfare centre for the ‘economic migrants’ of the world. The ‘open to all’ policy must end. The most valuable foreign aid we can give to poorer nations is the incentivized voluntary return of migrants to build prosperity in their countries of origin using the education and work skills they have acquired whilst in Australia.
  • Global conflict between nations has and is driven by financial rivalries. We will be no part of these conflicts.
  • It is essential to know ‘who finances war’ and who gains from war.
  • Government should have strong controls over the money supply. The best system would likely be a ‘monetary committee’.
  • We accept the principles of the ‘Public Banking Institute’.
  • We respect the work of Oswald Mosley.
  • We do not accept the reasons given for WW1 and WW2.
  • We do not accept the that the deaths during foreign wars were acceptable.
  • We cannot accept that ‘We won the war’ when Poland and Czechoslovakia were given to the Communists.
  • We do not accept Communism.
  • We know who the Bolsheviks were.
  • Feder Economics is a viable form of Economics.
  • History has been revised.
  • A ‘No waste’ society is a better concept than a ‘Recycle Society’. Corporations create the waste, but the onus is on the consumer to recycle the waste.
  • Overpopulation is the biggest contributor to any climate change. We do not need to increase Australia’s population through immigration.
  • If young people cannot buy a house, we cannot claim to be an affluent society. We are living under ‘false affluence’.
  • Increased population and constant immigration have made land and housing unaffordable for many of our people.
  • Australia is its land and its people. Land should only be owned by Australians.
  • Australian farm land should never been sold to foreigners.
  • Australian government is responsible to its people.
  • Voting will be fraud free. It is too easy to vote multiple times with no consequence and it is incredibly easy to vote under other person’s names. We follow ‘Vote Australia’ on this issue.
  • On principle, we do not meddle in other countries internal affairs, unless they are a threat to Australia and its people.
  • We reject the Lima Treaty.
  • We reserve the right reject all treaties with overseas entities.
  • We reject all foreign treaties.
  • All medical people shall be required to read Eustace Mullins – ‘Death by Injection’.
  • We are suspicious that the TPP is a treaty in favour of corporations.
  • We do not accept built-in obsolescence.
  • Media should primarily of Australian origin.
  • We do not accept the moral corruption through music, pornography, and media.
  • We respect ‘traditional values’ and those of our forefathers.
  • We accept Pauline Hanson’s statement: “This is a Christian nation.”
  • Superannuation should not be a corporate slush fund.
  • State ownership is problematic.
  • Market capitalism is problematic.
  • It is not acceptable that 80% of the trade on Forex has nothing to do with trade. Forex is a parasitic entity. Those profiting from the meddling in international finance are ‘Financial Terrorists’ and should be treated as such.
  • We stand for freedom of speech, of conscience, and of intellectual enquiry, which we regard as the essential pillars of a free society — the foundational freedoms on which all others depend. We believe that human beings cannot flourish outside a free society, which means they cannot flourish in the absence of free speech. Free speech is how knowledge is developed and shared, as well as our views about morality, religion and politics. Robust debate — appealing to reason, evidence and our shared values — is also the best way to resolve disagreements without descending to violence or intimidation. Free speech is the most effective bulwark against abuses of power by politicians. The denial is both the aim of tyrants, because it stops persons criticising them, and is an ominous precursor to the removal of other freedoms. We believe that free speech is under assault, particularly in those areas where it matters most, such as schools, universities, the arts, the entertainment industry, and the media. Our aim is to restore freedom of speech and protect it. (Free Speech Union)
  • ‘Hate Speech’ laws are censorious.
  • The world does not need the freedom brought with bayonets.
  • Achieve goals by other than bayonets. Is one ‘right’ to fight against invaders of your country who would happily kill you for opposing their takeover. Take care of our monuments. The only monument for should be the obelisks.
  • We accept Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s view on George Soros.
  • Anti-Religion is a euphemism for anti-Christian.
  • We do not accept anti-Christian activities.
  • We are the ‘Commonwealth of Australia’.
  • We are not a ‘company’ to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Australia, the country, does not need to give an annual report to the New York Stock Exchange.
  • We reject the control by foreign entities including United Nations, WHO, Bank for International Settlements.
  • We will not be beholden to the bankers nor the international bankers.
  • All members of the military must uphold the constitution, as in the vow they took upon entry to the armed forces. They must protect us against enemies foreign and domestic. This includes protecting us against politicians loyal to foreign entities. It also includes protecting us against those pedalling influence on behalf of foreign entities.
  • The lawful and binding Constitution of Australia is The Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth Act 1901.
  • Australia is a ‘Self Governing Colony’ under a Constitutional Monarchy, with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second current holder of the Crown as Our Head of State.
  • Our government and its agents must demonstrate a ‘Claim of Authority’ and prove how their Authority is Granted. (They Must show where under the Crown their Authority is Granted, meaning ‘The Oath they sworn to, it can’t be any other than Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second’ not the Queen of Australia nor the term II. The Royal Identifier must also present.)
  • We do not accept the influence of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’.
  • The Magna Carta is significant.
  • It is acceptable to be proud of your race.
  • It is acceptable to be proud of your heritage.
  • Feminism was funded by ”’elites”’. It told girls they should work in factories. It effectively told girls they should avoid families. It effectively told girls they should drop their knickers once a month for random males to ‘prove that they are free’.
  • The heritage of the White people of Australia is UK and Europe. The heritage of the aboriginal people is that of the indigenous people of Australia.
  • No ‘treaty’ was made with aboriginal people because that would have had no standing at that time.
  • The White people of Australia are not gong back to Europe, so the only solution is reconciliation. We cannot alter history.
  • We do not accept hostility towards Christianity.
  • We should not forget the ideals our veterans died for.
  • Our ancestors fought and died to keep foreigners off Australian homelands.
  • ‘Black Lives Matter’ is inherently racist. It is Marxism against White people.
  • The unborn have the right to be born.
  • Sex creates offspring. Nature made it enjoyable so that it reproduction would occur.
  • Beware of politicians. What they say and what they do often do not match.
  • Political parties create a policy set to look legitimate, then they follow an agenda. The agenda may be driven by foreign influence.
  • Politicians of main puppet parties have no say in the policies of their party nor are they allowed to speak. They must ‘tow the party line’. Who then decides ‘the party line’?
  • Irrespective of race or religion, we shall oppose any person who acts against the interests of Australia, Britain, or Europe; particularly Australians who serve alien interests. 
  • Truth doesn’t care about your feelings.
  • We accept Political Correctness as the enemy of humanity. Let us be reminded that ‘political correctness’ was invented and launched into the world by the so-called ′′Cultural Marxists′′ related to the ′′Frankfurt School”. They invented and launched for the same purpose as Marx invented and promoted his dictatorship of the proletariat. This is the most urgent political task of our time.
  • The right to self-defence, protection of property, and property shall be absolute. 
  • John Adams: ” Liberty once lost is lost forever.” Australians shall remain free.
  • Australia needs to resist evil – external and internal. It is impossible to forcefully plant virtue and eradicate vice. But we can resist the planting of vice.
  • We believe in ‘Democracy’, not ‘Financial Democracy’.
  • The most expensive thing we have is Australia. We do not sell off Australia – its lands, its banking system, its politics.
  • Government serves the nation, not international entities, nor foreign nations.
  • Government serves the people, not the other way around.
  • Leave the United Nations. (‘Advance Australia’ policy.)
  • “The child support agency has failed, and it’s not doing its job.” (quote Pauline Hanson) It needs to be sorted.
  • “We’ve got a backlog in the family law court of 3,000 cases, and under the Federal Circuit Court, 16,800 backlog cases.” and “You’ve got twelve to eighteen months before a case can come before the court system.”  (quote Pauline Hanson) It needs to be sorted.
  • The family law decisions more often than not are weighted against the man.
  • “What is happening is that a lot of women are using these domestic violence orders against the men to help their cases. The fathers don’t get to see the children. The fathers have been fighting these DVO’s. There are actually a lot of them now, bringing false allegations of sexual abuse, which is untrue. The fathers are up against a lot.”  (quote Pauline Hanson) It needs to be sorted.
  • In family disputes, “we need a process by which you can get two sides together in a room? A conciliation, negotiator process, which does happen from time to time, but not happen enough. Because legal practitioners tell me when I raise this subject on air, on my afternoon programme, they tell me time and time again that these are far more effective at getting down to the nub of the issues between the two sides both in terms of property and custody, and it makes a great deal of sense, and then you steer people away from having to fork out exorbitant legal fees.” (Chris Smith on 2GB) My suggestion is that the bucks party attendees are defacto the support mechanism for the male throughout his married life and the hens group attendees are the defacto support mechanism for the female through her married life. Attendees at the wedding are the defacto support mechanism for the wedding. If you go to a wedding, you are supporting that marriage and that support never dies. I deem that the Christian approach is that “Nothing should be done to break this marriage. Everything should be done to keep this relationship together.” This effectively goes into force when a child is born. The very last place to go is a lawyer because the relationship comes under aggressive Moses law rather than the compassion of Jesus’ law. I say “You cannot divorce the children.” Pauline says: “The kids only have one mum, one dad. You may have your differences. You were once together. You’ve made the beautiful child. Please, in the interest of the child and each other, get together. Work out your differences. Allow the parents to see the children.”
  • A Royal Commission is needed to study the link between vaccination and cancer.

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