Free Speech Political Correctness


Written by AndyChalkley

Writer and comedian Andrew Doyle, behind the Jonathan Pie and Titania McGrath characters, gives his take on the woke movement of today. Doyle takes apart modern comedy and the woke movement who seek to censor and prevent freedom of speech. Doyle speaks to The Sun’s Steven Edginton for ‘Burning Questions’, a series of interviews you can watch every Thursday afternoon. Andrew talks about the infiltration of the woke culture in all aspects of our life. Doyle is a bright, well-informed person who thinks about issues instead of spouting doctrine. He is quality viewing like the BBC used to air, a time long ago. Some classic one-liners from the transcription include:

  • “It is a minority, but they’ve seem to have infected all the major institutions in this country.”
  • “Social Justice makes it ok to bully.”
  • “If you say ‘Oh my god.’ when you sneaze, it is a microagression against athiests.”
  • “People are nervous about what they say.”
  • “It’s not good to foster that level of mistrust and division.”
  • “The biggest problem in comedy is self-censorship.”
  • “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
  • “Listen to what people are saying not what you imagine they are thinking.”
  • “We need the adults back in the room”.

This woke nonsense is not going away any time soon. The cure for the madness is discussions like this one.

Steven Edginton, the interviewer for the Sun is clearly good at his job. It is interesting that he didn’t go to University so he didn’t get all the indoctrination. Andrew expresses a common sense, balanced view of the divisive, malicious virus that is Wokeness.


Sod Thelotayou
Nobody who works for the Sun can be good at his job. He’s certainly not a journalist. He’s a purveyor of false news and a Murdoch lickspittle.

Clough Jordan
I have the same hang up as you. I know I shouldn’t but The Sun has such a toxic history that just sharing this will create turmoil for me on Facebook. I’m a solid left wing person but hate the present day fake lefties that are ruining being left wing and basically handing the working class over to right wing groups and politicians that I despise.

Cody Devan
Every day, there is less and less reason to go to university. Especially if its just knowledge you seek and arent concerned with credentials for particular jobs. however, they are doing terrible things to children currently that may ship them right into indoctrination and it will all seem normal to them. im not even religious but alot of this woke stuff is clearly satanic, which i would have never thought id see in my lifetime…

Currently, the majority of people who graduate from university (at least here in Germany) can’t find any very good paying jobs because employers now are focusing so much on people with experience and not on people in their (roughly) mid-20s with no actual life experience. It used to be the other way around when I went to school. I always said from a young age on that I don’t want to go to uni and that I wouldn’t be able to cope with the uni life and stress. Yet my family pressured me. It affected me so negatively that my grades just kept dropping and dropping until it was evident that I would never qualify for going to university. Unless you want to work in a job field or specific job that requires a university degree, you really don’t need to go to university and it can actually negatively affect your prospect of getting a job.

Sod Thelotayou
Nobody who works for the Sun can be good at his job,hes certainly not a journalist, he’s a purveyor of false news and a Murdoch lickspittle.

Clough Jordan
I must say that unfortunately I have the same hang up as you. I know I shouldn’t and I assume you feel you shouldn’t but The Sun has such a toxic history and effect on people that just sharing this will create turmoil for me on Facebook and after the election and brexit and I am trying to keep my FB a bit more peaceful. I’m a solid left wing person but hate the present day fake lefties that are ruining being left wing and basically handing the working class over to right wing groups and politicians that I despise.

Paul Connett
Well done to the two gentleman!! That was a very intelligent conversation. Bloody Loved it. Cheer’s.

Rotas Squared
“Titania McGrath wrote this you gullible hacks”! Absolutely marvelous. I love the Brit’s frequent response to many of life’s created issues, namely, mock ruthlessly.

Zoe Freeman
I don’t think the ‘woke’ crowd are full of good intentions, I find them insidious and extremely sinister 🤷‍

Ty Har
As Socrate’s concluded the most utterly corrupt people must in fact appear the most virtuous to all that have been deceived by them.

Daniel Skinner
Perhaps, but what we see on the surface (reported by the media) is the SJW movement that seeks to cancel programming, events or speakers. They have manage to get people fired from their jobs. I’m sorry I didn’t bother to provide links, but I believe it is easy to research instances where people have be sacked by companies due to SJW pressure, and have then been successful in wrongful dismissal cases against those companies.

James White
I personally believe the biggest phobia is the fear of truth.

Cantweall Getalong
“Certain things are not up for debate”. I love that statement, you’d think they’d be talking about some very disturbing things, but that’s the kicker, it could be the most innocuous thing that gets you cancelled. Ooops! Did I breach that sensitivity rule?

Margaret Pepper
My dad had the right saying, he said “you can’t argue with ignorance”. It applies to wokeness 110%.

Unashamed social justice warrior turned Wokeyleaks (@wearewokeyleaks) writer Heydon Prowse joins Andrew for Episode Two of Free Speech Nation. They chat about Heydon’s past as a lefty, his work within the social justice movement and whether he thinks it’s all getting out of hand.


microaggression survivor
I don’t like social media so-called intellectual fights to win arguments. They lack morality and rationality. Any intellect itself isn’t coming from a good place. Even the definition of intellect can be misconstrued to suit themselves and feed their ego. Social media arguments rely on confirmation bias at best.I also see this problem with the right wing and some in the GB News comments. Although its way worse with the far left.

Patricia Turvey
Agree; they just have an enormous sense of entitlement.

DB King
I think this conversation indicates that the “Left” know they have gone too far and their thinking is off the scale of rationality. I commend GB News for showing this and more of it please. But I still feel, that the ‘rational’ Left are trying to water down the insanity of identity politics without questioning the paradigm completely – “I am not a Tory by the way” – that would be beyond the pale. I would like to see GB News to do a serious debate challenging the assumption that Left is good, Right is bad (Orange man bad). Socialism good, Capitalism bad. Conservatives always start by apologising and accepting the Left’s rules and assumptions. In that way Conservatives will always lose.

Evola’s Sunglasses
The role of the centre Right is to prop Liberalism and Globalisation up at all costs.

Phill Taylor
Some people are bored with life! So at every chance They GET TO DESTROY someone’s NO matter the damage! It’s like taking drugs GIVES them a high!?.

Chris Don
Come up for air, wipes off some blood and says “Yeah, maybe we went to far.” – SJW 2022

Steven Morahan
You should see her latest tome. According to her, smiling at people of colour is racist.

Audrey MacLelland
He’s just like me a lefty who has been deserted by the left.

Well done both you guys. (I can still say guys right?)

Freedom of speech only applies to those who’s opinions follow the the narrative of those shouting the loudest.
The left.

I can relate to that lefty. I’d love to vote for Labour but they’ve just lost their way.

Nige Lawson
More Heydons and Andrews are required to unite the centrists away from the extremes of each pole.

Maverick Buckley
The oppressed demographics are White working class males. Have been for 30 years (arguably 300 years) and for a different reason and despite never ending efforts, black Carribean-British males. East Asian Brit male, black Afro-Brit females and males and White Middle class females are at the top.

Loreta Gema Photography
1 month ago
I was holding my breath while listening to this intellectual discussion about all that terrifying stuff that’s going on in Western societies. I fully agree that the Western civilisation is approaching an abyss (what a David Lynch’ey track at the end of the video!!!!) The only cure for the madness is discussions like this one.

Andrew Doyle deserves his new status as the country’s most important journalist.

Mon Jarcus
Andrew Doyle on GB is the best thing on tv and YouTube.

Jane Kennaway
These days it’s harder to come out as Conservative than as LGBGT!

Is wokeism one of the unintended consequences of dismantling Christianity in the West? Many, perhaps most, young people need ‘a cause’, ‘a mission’, something to feel passionate about, whilst our society needs a place where young zealots can be easily contained. Christianity fulfilled that societal need, just as Islam still does for many of their young people.

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